Life is always throwing these curveballs at you, whether they’re good or bad — it just happens. And eventually, what I’ve found is, especially with the bad stuff, ‘cause that’s the stuff that sticks to me a little bit more, coming out at the other side and being, like, ‘Man, I’m a better person because of that.’ Or, ‘I’m more compassionate because of that.’ Or, ‘I feel like I can understand people or humanity a little bit differently, ‘cause I’ve been through some pretty crazy stuff.’ And that’s a positive. So finding a positive in all these things, that’s what we always try to do, but we still talk about the feelings we had going through all these different circumstances.
A tua voz enche a sala e é como se estivesses aqui. Pergunto-me quantas vezes me terás resgatado da escuridão. Pergunto-me se há um limite para o número de vezes que alguém pode ser resgatado da escuridão. A tua voz enche a sala e é como se pudesses estar aqui.
keep you in our memory, leave out all the rest. even the words we still can’t say.
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